J. BTON ‘s Recent Posts mu-plugin for WordPress MU ver.2


Download the code, and FTP-upload the file to /wp-ontent/mu-plugin/. It will work as soon as file uploaded.


Parameter explanations
$how_many: how many recent posts are being displayed
$how_long: time frame to choose recent posts from (in days)
$cate: category ID to be selected
$limit: how many posts should be displayed from each category
$titleOnly: true (only title of post is displayed) OR false (title of post and name of blog are displayed)
$begin_wrap: customise the start html code to adapt to different themes
$optmask: bitmask for various display options (default: 255)
 1;  // gravatar
 2;  // date
 4;  // author name
 8;  // comment count
 16; // blog name
 32; // post name
 64; // post excerpt
 128; // excerpt capitalization
$exc_size: size of excerpt in words (default: 30)
$end_wrap: customise the end html code to adapt to different themes

Sample call:
1)You can edit the palameter in this plugin code L76,
   function ahp_recent_posts($how_many=9, $how_long=30, $cate=5, $limit=3, $titleOnly=false, $optmask=255, $exc_size=30, $begin_wrap='<li class=”pageposts_list”>’, $end_wrap='</li>’) {
and call the function in your template file like this…
   <ul><?php bton_recent_posts(); ?></ul>
2)If you want to call the parameter in your each code of the template,
change L75 –> delate ‘//’ from this code.
   function ahp_recent_posts($how_many, $how_long, $cate, $limit, $titleOnly, $optmask, $exc_size, $begin_wrap, $end_wrap) {
and coment out L76.
   //function ahp_recent_posts($how_many=9, $how_long=30, $cate=5, $limit=3, $titleOnly=false, $optmask=255, $exc_size=30, $begin_wrap='<li class=”pageposts_list”>’, $end_wrap='</li>’) {
So, you can set each parameter in your template
bton_recent_posts(9, 30, 5, 3, true, 255, 30, ‘<li class=”pageposts_list”>’, ‘</li>’); >> total 9 most recent entries over the past 30 days, from cateID 5, 3 entries from each blog, displaying titles only
 write code in template like this…
   <ul><?php bton_recent_posts(9, 30, 5, 3, true, 255, 30, ‘<li class=”pageposts_list”>’, ‘</li>’); ?></ul>
And you can also add style in your css files like this.
li.pageposts_list {list-mark-style:none;}
span.pageposts_cont{font-size:small; color:#333;}
span.pageposts_date {font-size:x-small; color:#ccc;}
span.pageposts_author {font-size:x-small; color:#ccc;}
span.pageposts_comment {font-size:x-small; color:#ccc;}
span.pageposts_blog {font-size:x-small; color:#ccc;}
span.pageposts_title {font-size:small; color:#333;}
